Greenline, Growing with you through the years!

Let’s rely from the top integrators and commercial poultry raisers about their encounter with the best quality products that they use from Greenline Animal Health and Nutrition Inc.

Early in the life of baby chick it has to eat, drink and develop fast its body system to survive and grow and reach its productive stage as a broiler, starter pullet or a layer. In a continuous pattern there are hindrances imposed by its genetic makeup, environmental factors, and health challenges. These hindrances would put the bird into stress state and eventually result to losing its appetite to consume feed leading to impaired nutrition and poor health condition.

As a preventive measure we have to ensure that the appetite of the bird is maintained not only by an attractive and nutritions feed and a good environmental condition but by adding to the drinking water a supplement that would serve as an appetite booster and a performance enhancer. Greenline offers ANIGANE, a product that has proven its worth in maintaining good appetite and good performance of the bird.

The following components of ANIGANE play vital roles in enhancing the productive performance of the bird.
Potassium Citrate – acts as an acid regulator that flushes the urinary tubes of mucillage and cleanses the kidney preventing calcium oxalate stones. Potassium maintain healthy cells and lowers blood pressure and transmit nerve impulses for strong muscle activity

Ferric ammonium citrate – provide a source of easily absorbable iron for hemoglobin formation supporting overall body system needs

Sodium glycerophosphate provide glucose as source of energy for fat and carbohydrate metabolism and phosphorus for bone formation

Manganese sulfate becomes a part of several enzymes or co-enzymes to induce carbohydrate, fats and protein metabolism. Also helps in bones and cartilage formation.

Poultry birds are subjected to the various conditions and types of stress from day one to different stages of its productive life, such types are namely:

Genetic and Physiological stress – By virtue of being bred as a fast grower a modem broiler bird is forced to develop fast its body system to cope up to the physiological demand of growth. This is also, true to egg layer for continuous egg laying. This is stressful to the bird hence it is forced to eat, drink grow and produce in a fast pace. Any disturbance would lead to indigestion and wet droppings. Too much lost in fluids create an imbalance in dietary electrolyte in the body that needs replenishment.

Environmental stress – Too warm a temperature and high relative humidity would result to lack of appetite but the bird take too much water leading to wet droppings and eventually lost of electrolytes. To comfort the body the birds result to panting where electrolytes are also lost thru the lungs.

Infection stress – when birds get sick due to bacterial, viral and/or fungal infection the birds again lose appetite and may drink too much water. When digestive infection occurs it results to wet droppings. Again body electrolytes are lost. Whenever stress of any types occur electrolytes are lost thru the feces and thru the lungs due to panting.

As preventive measure the Total Dietary Electrolyte Balance of the feeds must conform to the standards. Any imbalance that may be created by the stress conditions should be replenished by a supplement added to the drinking water as the stressed birds option is to drink first to gain body comfort.

SELECTOLYTE is the answer to supplement the lost electrolytes. With Sodium, potassium and bi-carbonate it restores the balance of the body fluids acidity and alkalinity and body fluid electrolytes. There is no chloride in the composition as it is adequately available in the feeds. It promotes recovery from stress produced by metabolic or physiological heat, environmental heat and disease challenges.

Early on a bird (chick) digestive system is not yet developed hence it needs delicate care and attention to reach its effective performance at the starter stage. In the process of developing the digestive system the gastro-intestinal tract is predisposed to microbial contaminants in the feeds and drinking water.

To be able to achieve faster digestive system development the chick must start to eat and drink to enhance the activation and production of enzymes and digestive juices. These are the amylase from the mouth, and hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes at the proventiculus, the true stomach (after passing thru the crop), where the digestion begins. After passing thru the proventiculus the feeds reach the gizzard for grinding action and exposure to the acid. The feed enters into the duodenum where digestive enzymes and bicarbonate from the pancreas are received. Biles received from the liver via the gall bladder enhanced the digestion of lipids and absorption of fat soluble vitamins (ADEK). After the digestion at the duodenum the released nutrients are absorbed mainly in the lower small intestine (jejenum and ileum ).

Reabsorption of the water occurs in the ceca (two blind pouches) as well as the fermentation of feed coarse material and production of eight B vitamins. There is minimal absorption of any nutrients released at the ceca as it is already at the end of the digestive tract.

The large intestine or colon is the last portion where water reabsorption occurs. The cloaca the end portion of the digestive tract becomes the point of the mixing of the digestive wastes together with the wastes from the urinary system, Fecal matter is voided as digestive waste with white uric acid crystals on the outer surface (Chicken do not urinate or pee).

The small and large intestine are normally populated by beneficial bacteria or micro flora. Micro flora aids in digestion and enhance immunity by guarding the digestive system against invading microbes (bad microorganism) Intestinal diseases occur when there is an imbalance in the micro flora because of the overrun by foreign microorganism.

To prevent the entry of bad microorganism or pathogens as well as assist in the efficient production of digestive juices an essential supplement is needed, GREENLINE provides FORTICOAT-NL , a multi blend of organic acids which lowers the pH of the drinking water to pH 4.0. This lowered pH kills the unwanted bacteria, virus, yeast and molds but save the beneficial bacteria. The low pH also enhances the production of digestive juices in the proventiculus and in the small intestine (duodenum). FORTICOAT-NL also kills the bad bacteria in the drinking water as well as cleanses the water pipes of the unwanted biofilm (where bacteria are colonized). With FORTICOAT-NL you can achieve an effective performance of the digestive tract because of clean water free of bad microorganisms. Even in contaminated water FORTICOAT-NL kill the organisms because of lowered pH.